1st Locking and Hutton Scout Group is currently one of the
best-attended groups across the district.
Did you know that the Scout group has been running for 85 years this year, we are very proud of this. It was set up during the war to look after the children of servicemen and women passing through RAF Locking and has always been run totally by volunteers. We are also affiliated with the RBL, which we are very proud of.
There have been a lot of great camps and events this year, not least taking some of the older Scouts up to the summit of Snowdon, embarking on a gruelling Ten Tors Army-led training course for nearly 6 months, all raising money for more adventures for the group.
We are a very community-led group, all of our Scouts are from Locking, Hutton and Bleadon. We also have a healthy waiting list. We want our Scouts to be the very best they can be in life, learning respect and leading from the front.
At our recent AGM we had a full room of grown up’s, the District representative said he had never been to such a well-attended and well-organised evening. He was quite taken aback.
As leaders we are of course always planning ahead, we have a lot to do to keep everyone busy, but this always takes time and of course money. We have ambitions, all for the benefit of the group.
Part of our fundraising this year and next is to try and raise £30,000 for something very special for the group, this is to take them on a camp that otherwise they would never be able to attend.
Kandersteg 2026
Kandersteg is based in the hills of Switzerland and, houses an all-year-round jamboree, one of Baden Powells (the founder of Scouting) wishes, and we would love to take the children there, just for one week but its not cheap, transport alone costs nearly £14000.
We have already, through normal fundraising, raised around £6000 and we will be continuing to raise where we can so that this becomes a reality for the group, and everyone can experience something that otherwise they never could. We have a long way to go, maybe you would like to help?
We have a just-giving page (www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/scoutskanderstag1stlockingandhutton) or, you can simply let us know. You can email at steve.debruin@sky.com or call or text me at 07789074623.
We are again bringing the Santa Float to the village again this year in December, again raising much-needed funds to keep the group going through the year. We hope to see you there.
Thank you all for your support, we are only a small part of a fantastic community, but nonetheless, we feel an important part of it in giving the children skills and memories that will last a lifetime.